I’ll leave the third person now that you’ve clicked the about page.

Formalities great in small doses, y’know? I’m a designer from Chicago focused on finding the right balance between form and function. Driven by curiosity and an urge to learn and create new things I keep busy drawing, reading, and when the mood strikes - sipping a frosty Manhattan.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out at trevorwdavies@gmail.com.

More about me

Things that
confuse me

Rockabilly’s. Who are they, where did they come from, and where did they go?

Is it cooler to use an Oxford comma or to go Vampire Weekend with it?

Things that
Excite me

The Bulls right now. Is this the moment I finally get into sports?

My Yucca named Peeves is finally thriving. I can’t wait to see how far the boy goes.


Typeset in Degular by James Edmonson of Ohno Type co.